Mechanical / Electrical Design

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Mechanical and Electrical Design

DGS Consulting can meet your electrical and mechanical design requirements in relation to your residential and commercial building projects. With the introduction of Building Control and the Assigned Certifier, there is now more of a need to have a M&E consultant on your design team for both commercial and residential projects - DGS Consulting can fulfill this role.

  • DGS Consulting can provide a detailed M&E specification and full set of M&E drawings. Along with a detailed M&E specification, a M&E drawing schedule may include:
  • Full mechanical services layouts.
  • Ventiliation and AC layouts.
  • Water service layouts.
  • Soils and wastes layouts.
  • Electrical distribution installation layouts.
  • Electrical general services and data installation layouts.
  • Lighting installation layouts.
  • Fire alarm and security services installation layouts.
  • Call us today for your free initial consultation.

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